2024 Teachers' Convention

Serving Christian Educators in Illinois
Train your teachers, unify your staff, and grow in your love for raising up the next generation of world-changers.
This year's Teachers Convention will be held at First Baptist Church in Danville, IL on September 26-27, 2024. During the two days, your teachers and administration will have opportunities to attend workshops and trainings to help your school better serve your families and reach new families!
Convention Details
Register Your School
IACS & AACS Members Registration
Registration for members of Illinois Association of Christian Schools (or another AACS school):
$75 per person by August 23, 2024
$100 per person by September 13, 2024
$125 per person on/after September 14, 2024
Non-Members Registration
Registration for non-members of Illinois Association of Christian Schools (or another AACS school):
$100 per person by August 23, 2024
$125 per person by September 13, 2024
$150 per person on or after September 14, 2024
Be An Exhibitor/Vendor
Exhibitor – One Table
- $300 for 1 table (will include your color logo and link to your website in Exhibitors section of website and listing in Conference Booklet Exhibitor page)
- $75 for Power Outlet/Electricity
Exhibitor – Two Tables (or more)
- $500 for 2 tables
- $125 each additional table
- $75 for Power Outlet/Electricity
Home Business Exhibitor
- $200 for 1 table (will include your color logo and link to your website in Exhibitors section of website and listing in Conference Booklet Exhibitor page)
- $100 each additional table (will include half page ad features as listed below)
- $50 for Power Outlet
Exhibitor Attendee Registration
Registration for exhibitor attendees.
Advertiser Only
Conference Screens
Provide a slide to be shown on general session screens during announcement loops.
- Color logo displayed on conference website. Please provide us a high resolution image of your logo, preferably a PNG with a transparent background.
- Your logo will link back to your website.
- Please email the .jpg, pub, or pdf of the slide in 16:9 ratio already completed to audreafuller@outlook.com by September 1, 2024
Full Page Black & White Inside Ad in Convention Booklet
- Color logo displayed on conference website. Please provide us a high resolution image of your logo, preferably a PNG with a transparent background.
- Your logo will link back to your website.
- Ad will be placed in an 81⁄2 xl conference booklet. Please email the jpg or.pdf of the ad already done to this size to audreafuller@outlook.com by September 1, 2024.
Half Page Black & White Ad in Convention Booklet
- Color logo displayed on conference website. Please provide us a high resolution image of your logo, preferably a PNG with a transparent background
- Your logo will link back to your website.
- Ad size wil be 81⁄2 x5 1⁄2and placed ni an 8 1⁄2xl conference booklet. Please email the jpg or .pdf of the ad already done to this size to audreafuller@outlook.com by September 1, 2024.
Welcome Packet – $150
Mail your own pre-printed flier to the Convention Organizer to be inserted into the attendee’s welcome packet.
Welcome Packet – $300
Email a flier to the Convention Organizer and we will print an 8 1⁄2x1l single-sided sheet in black and white.
Welcome Packet – $400
Email a flier to the Convention Organizer and we wil print an 8 1⁄2x l single-sided sheet in color.
Become a Sponsor
Diamond Level Sponsorship
- Limited to three Diamond Level Sponsors.
- You will be given the opportunity to have five minutes to address the conference attendees or show a video at the start of one of our general sessions.
- You will also be given the opportunity to have up to seven minutes to address the leaders or show a video during the pastor and administrator’s meeting.
- You will be able to provide up to a three minute video to be part of the luncheon presentations.
- You may supply one slide to be shown during the loop of general session advertisements. ($400 value)
- You may supply a different slide to be shown during the loop of luncheon, hospitality room, and administrators breakfast advertisements, if desired. ($600)
- You will be given the first through third opportunity to pick your spot in the Exhibitor Hall. Your table selection opportunity will be chosen in order of Diamond Sponsorship registration (first come, first choice).
- Three tables ($625 value), additional tables available to purchase at exhibitor rates.
- Electricity supplied to tables in the Exhibitor Hall ($75 value).
- Choice of prime location for full page color ad in program booklet. May choose from Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover, or Outside Back Cover (First come, first choice. $500 value).
- Your logo will be listed on the main page of the conference webpage as well as the first ones on the exhibitor listing web page as Diamond Level Sponsor. Logo will link to your website.
- Special notation on Booklet Exhibitor Page as Platinum Level Sponsor ($50 value).
- Diamond Sponsorship listed on a banner stand located in the conference registration area.
- Diamond Sponsorship listed on sponsorship projection screens throughout the conference.
- Opportunity to supply flier or gift in welcome packets. (up to $400 value)
2 in stock
Platinum Level Luncheon Sponsorship
- Limited to three sponsors for our Thursday luncheon.
- Up to five minutes to show a video or address the attendees during the.
- You may supply one slide to be shown during the loop of luncheon advertisements AND general sessions. ($500 value)
- Two Exhibitor Hall tables ($500 value), additional tables available to purchase at exhibitor rates.
- You will be given the opportunity to pick your spot in the Exhibitor Hall in the order your sponsorship is received (Spots 4-6)
- Exhibit hall access to electricity ($75 value).
- Full page inside ad in the conference booklet ($300 value) and special notation on Booklet Exhibitor Page as Platinum Level Sponsor ($50 value).
- Platinum Sponsorship listed on a banner stand located in the registration area of the conference hall.
- Platinum Sponsorship listed on projection screens in the general session auditorium.
- Platinum Sponsorship noted on the conference web pages with your logo. Logo will link to your website.
- Opportunity to supply flier or gift in welcome packets. (up to $400 value)
2 in stock
Platinum Level Administrator’s Breakfast Sponsorship
- Limited to two sponsors for the administrator’s breakfast.
- You will be given the opportunity to have five to seven minutes to address the leaders or show a video during the pastor and administrator’s breakfast on Friday morning.
- You may supply one slide to be shown during the loop of the general session AND Administrator’s breakfast advertisements/announcements. ($500 value)
- You will be given the opportunity to pick your spot in the Exhibitor Hall in the order your sponsorship is received (Spots 7-9 in Reservation Order).
- Two tables in the Exhibit Hall ($500 value), additional tables available to purchase at exhibitor rates.
- Exhibit hall access to electricity ($75 value).
- Full page inside ad in the conference booklet ($300 value) and special notation on Booklet Exhibitor Page as Gold Level Sponsor ($50 value).
- Conference Gold Sponsorship listed on a banner stand located in the registration area of the conference hall.
- Conference Gold Sponsorship listed on projection screens in the general session auditorium.
- Conference Gold Sponsorship noted on the conference web pages with your logo. Logo will link to your website.
- Opportunity to supply flier or gift in welcome packets. (up to $400 value)
2 in stock
Gold Level General Session Sponsorship
- Limited to three gold level sponsors for general sessions.
- You will be given the opportunity to show a video at the start of one of our general sessions.
- You may supply one slide to be shown during the loop of general session advertisements/announcements. ($400 value)
- You will be given the opportunity to pick your spot in the Exhibitor Hall in the order your sponsorship is received (Spots 7-9 in Reservation Order).
- Two tables in the exhibit hall ($500 value), additional tables available to purchase at exhibitor rates.
- Exhibit hall access to electricity ($75 value).
- Full page inside ad in the conference booklet ($300 value) and special notation on Booklet Exhibitor Page as Gold Level Sponsor ($50 value).
- Conference Gold Sponsorship listed on a banner stand located in the registration area of the conference hall.
- Conference Gold Sponsorship listed on projection screens in the general session auditorium.
- Conference Gold Sponsorship noted on the conference web pages with your logo. Logo will link to your website.
- Opportunity to supply flier or gift in welcome packets. (up to $400 value)
3 in stock
Silver Level Hospitality Room Sponsorship
- You will be given an opportunity to pick your spot in the Exhibitor Hall after other higher sponsorship levels have selected their spots. Your table selection opportunity will be based on first come-first served.
- You may supply one slide to be shown during the loop of general session AND hospitality room advertisements/announcements.
- One table in the Exhibit Hall ($300 value), additional tables available to purchase at exhibitor rates.
- Exhibit Hall access to electricity ($75 value)
- Full page inside ad in the conference booklet ($300 value) and special notation on booklet exhibitor page as Silver Level Sponsor ($50 value).
- Conference Silver Sponsorship listed on a banner stand located in the registration area of the conference.
- Conference Silver Sponsorship listed on projection screens in the general session auditorium.
- Conference Silver Sponsorship noted on the conference web pages with your logo. Logo will
link to your website. - Opportunity to supply flier or gift in welcome packets. (up to $400 value)